姓名:謝 宗 煌 國立台灣科技大學 電機博士 國立台灣工業技術學院 電機碩士 國立台灣工業技術學院 電機學士 職稱:副教授 E-MAIL:zonhun@cc.cust.edu.tw
A. 期刊論文
1. Tsung-Huang Hsieh, “電纜線故障位置偵測儀之研究,” 中華工商學報,第七期,PP161-170,81年
2. Tsung-Huang Hsieh, “數位式過電流保護電驛之演算法則,” 中華工商學報,第九期, PP.112-121,83年.
3. Tsung-Huang Hsieh, “模糊液位監控系統,” 中華工商專校學報,第十四期, PP106-113(86年3月)
4. Tsung-Huang Hsieh, “微電腦輔助三軸定位系統之研製,” 中華工商專校學報,第十五期, PP28-42, 86年
5. Tsung-Huang Hsieh, “The Simulation of Dynamic Performance of Induction Machine during Sudden Changes in Load Torque,” Journal of China Institute of Technology,Vol.19, PP. 51-62, September 1999.
6. Tsung-Huang Hsieh, “電機機械實驗自動化量測之設計與研製,” 電機月刊2000年八月號,第166期,pp.193-198, (2000)
7. Ruay-Nan Wu and Tsung–Huang Hsieh, “Unit Maintenance Scheduling of the Independent Power Producers,” Monthly journal of Taipower’s Engineering vol. 637,PP.78-86, September,2001.
8. Tsung-Huang Hsieh, Yu-Min Lin and Yu-Hsuan Lin, ”Design and Improvement of The Fire Fight System of The Building,” Journal of China Institute of Technology,Vol.25, PP. 248-256, September 2002.
9. Ruay-Nan Wu, Tsung–Huang
Hsieh, “A Novel Closed-Loop Reconfiguration for Radial distribution systems
with Dispersed Generation,”Journal of the Chinese
10. Tsung-Huang Hsieh, “Game Theory Applied to Units Maintenance Strategies for
the Independent Power Producers in De-regulated Power Market,” Journal of China
Institute of Technology,Vol.34, PP. 91-104, (2006)
11. Tsung-Huang Hsieh and Chai-Hung Chen “Design and Implementation of Power Saving
for Driving the Advertising LED,” Journal of China Institute of Technology,Vol.40, PP. 327-336, (2009)
12. Tsung-huang Hsieh, Chun-wei Chen, Jai-Siang Cao ”The THD Analysis for Green energy in Single-Phase Grid Connected Inverter,” Journal of China University of Science and Technology, Vol.43, pp.105-129, (2010).
13. Tsung-huang Hsieh and Jen-jui Cheng ,” Study of heat pumps for the application of air-conditioning and heating for beneficial energy saving of hospital,” Journal of China University of Science and Technology, Vol.48, pp.33-56, (2011)
B. 研討會論文
Ruay-Nan Wu and Tsung–Huang
Hsieh, “Digital protective system for the substation,” Proceedings of 12
th Electrical
power Engineer Conference,
Tsung–Huang Hsieh, “Microcomputer aided data acquisition system for the
power components,” Proceedings of 15 th
Electrical power Engineer Conference,
Tsung–Huang Hsieh, “Design and Implementation a Novel
Automatic Voltage Regulator for The Vehicle
Generator,” Proceedings of 19 th
Electrical power Engineer Conference,
Tsung–Huang Hsieh, “Design and Implementation for Laboratory Testing of
Induction Motor Based on Personal Computer,” Proceedings of 20 th Electrical power
Engineer Conference,
Tsung–Huang Hsieh, “Fuzzy Control an Automatic Regulator with Application
to Vehicle Generator,” Automatic Control Conference, R. O. C., PP.979-984,
Ruay-Nan Wu and Tsung–Huang
Hsieh, “A Study on Maintenance Scheduling for the Independent Power
Producers,” Proceedings of 20 th
Electrical power Engineer Conference,
Ruay-Nan Wu and Tsung–Huang
Hsieh, “Unit Maintenance Scheduling for the Independent Power Producers
using Non-cooperative Equilibrium Ordinal Games ,” Proceedings
of 23 th Electrical power Engineer
Ruay-Nan Wu ,Hong-Chang
Tsai and Tsung–Huang Hsieh, “The study
of position index for the Dispersed generation,” Proceedings of 23 th Electrical power Engineer Conference,
Ruay-Nan Wu ,
Tsung–Huang Hsieh and Hong-Chang Tsai, “Study of
Power Distribution Network Reconfiguration in De-regulated Power System,”
Proceedings of 24 th Electrical power Engineer
10 Ruay-Nan Wu, Tsung–Huang Hsieh , “Reconfiguration of Radial Distribution Systems with Dispersed Generation Using Interactive Fuzzy-GA Satisfying Method, “Proceedings of 25 th Electrical power Engineer Conference, Taiwan, pp2703~2708, (2004).
11 Ruay-Nan Wu, Tsung–Huang
Hsieh, ” The Upgrading of Distribution Feeders from Radial to Closed-loop
Arrangement Considering Dispersed Generations “Proceedings of 26 th Electrical power Engineer
12 Ruay-Nan Wu, Tsung–Huang Hsieh , ”A Study on Electricity Purchase Strategy By Considering the Capacity Limitation of Transmission Lines, “Proceedings of 26 th Electrical power Engineer Conference, Taiwan, PP.322~PP.326, (2005).
13 Tsung–Huang Hsieh, Chun-Wei Chen, Li-Fan Lin, Chao-Hon Zheng, Xiu-Hua Hsieh, “ The THD
Analysis for Hysteresis Current Control Method in Single-Phase Grid Connected
Inverter, ”Proceedings of 29 th Electrical power Engineer
Conference, PP.1284~PP.1287 (2008)
Tsung–Huang Hsieh, Da-Jyun Jiang,You-Cyuan Lin,Pen-en Pan and Jian-Syun Wu”Design and implementation of single-phase half-controlled rectifier
with application,”Proceeding of the 5th
conference on integrated Opto-Mechatronic Technology
and intellectual Property Rights, PP.171~PP179.2011.
15. Tsung–Huang Hsieh and Chun-Hung Wu,” The old lighting energy-saving study for large Memorial Hall,”Proceeding of the 5th conference on
integrated Opto-Mechatronic Technology and
intellectual Property Rights, PP.261~PP267,
16. Tsung–Huang Hsieh and Jia Long- Guo,” The Green Electrical Energy and Grid Connected using the
Hysteresis Current Control Method ,”Proceeding of the
5th conference on integrated Opto-Mechatronic
Technology and intellectual Property Rights, PP.287~PP.296, 2011.
C. 專書
1 翻譯: Fitzgerald,Kingsley,Umans 原著,” Electrical Machinary,” 高立圖書公司,(84年)
2 翻譯: Slemon原著,”Electric Machines and Drives ,” 文京圖書公司,(85年)
3 自編教材:綠色能源導論(95年度)
6.電機控制: (100學年度)
1 |
獎狀 |
84學年度全國大專微電腦應用系統設計製作競賽 |
85.06 |
教育部 |
榮獲儀錶組佳作,獎金四萬元 |
2 |
儀表電子乙級技術士 |
115-001593 |
86.08.24 |
勞委會 |
F. 研究計畫及產學合作
計 畫 名 稱 |
計畫內擔任工作 |
起迄年月 |
補助或委託機構 |
智慧行車用電壓調整器之研製 |
指導教授 |
86.08~87.07 |
國科會NSC-87-2158-C-157-02-E |
分散式電源位置指標之研究 |
研究人員 |
90.08~91.07 |
國科會 NSC-90-2213-E- 011-059 |
研究人員 |
91.08~92.07 |
國科會 NSC
91-2213-E-011-095 |
小型分散式發電系統之應用技術與效益研究(2/2) |
研究人員 |
92.08~93.07 |
國科會 NSC
92-2213-E-011-018 |
太陽能LCD交通號誌燈之驅動電路 |
協同主持人 |
92.11.~93.11 |
志佳多媒體公司 |
不斷電系統之研製 |
指導教授 |
94.7.1~95.2.28 |
國科會NSC94-2815-c-157-006-E |
綠色能源與市電並聯之研製 |
指導教授 |
95.7.1~96.2.28 |
NSC95-2815-c-157-007-E |
太陽能與風能複合與市電並聯之研製 |
指導教授 |
96.7.1~97.2.28 |
國科會NSC96-2815-c-157-004-E |
風力發電之變流器與市電並聯控制之研究 |
指導教授 |
97.7.1~98.2.28 |
國科會 NSC
97-2815-C-157-005-E |
磁滯電流控制法於綠色能源與市電並聯控制之應用 |
指導教授 |
99.7.1~100.2.28 |
國科會 NSC
99-2815-C-157-003-E |
含孤島檢測功能之電壓控制法於併聯變流器之應用 |
指導教授 |
100.7.1~101.2.28 |
國科會 NSC100-2815-C-157-001-E |
G. 學生專題競賽
84年度指導學生參加 全國專科組微電腦應用系統設計競賽 榮獲獎金四萬及教育部獎狀
84, 85, 86, 年度 金華獎 電機科第一名。
全校中華科技金華獎: 90學年第二名,91學年佳作,95學年第三名,96學年佳作,97學年第三名。99學年第三名。
2011 全國新興能源暨綠色能源專題創意競賽入選獎 (教育部設於中央大學 儲能科技人才培育中心)
2011年 全國波浪能轉換器創意實作競賽